Cycle GAN Distillation


You can start teacher training with

git clone
bash bin/ monet2photo
pip install -r requierements/requirements.txt
python scripts/ --path ./datasets/monet2photo

After training you can start distillation with


Read these sections for more info:

What is Cycle GAN?

Let's start with defining a general task, that GAN should be able to solve. Imagine we have data from space A and we have data from space B. We need to learn the mapping from space A to space B. For example, in vanilla GAN we the data in the A space is a Gaussian noise and data from B space is a handwritten digit (MNIST). So after training, we can generate digits out of Gaussian noise. First proposed method is minimizing Janson-Shanon divergence between generated data and real data in space B. But in the LSGAN paper, it was shown that minimizing Chi-2 divergence works slightly better.

‌ What about the case when we have a mapping between photos from different space, so now space A is not a Gaussian noise, it is a photo too?

As shown in a picture above, we have shapes of an object and we need a generator to reproduce the original photo. Here we need an additional loss function to ensure that network reproduces the same object that was in input. For example, if the input was shapes of shoes then we don't want to reproduce a colorized bag, no meter if it is realistic or not. So we can add L1-loss between generated and real colorized photo.

But what if we don't have paired objects in our dataset? For example, we have a horse and a zebra photos. Of course, we can't take a photo of a horse in the same position and a background as it was in a zebra photo. Here comes the Cycle GAN. Instead of L1-loss between generated and real images, we can train two generators and discriminators. The first will map space A to space B, and the second will map space B to space A. So here is an example.

Iteration starts with feeding a generator, that maps B space to A, with an image of zebra. It tries to produce a horse image. After that, we feed generated photo to generator A-B, which tries to generate an original image (as it was a zebra). And here we can count our reconstruction loss, which is L1-loss. After that, we can backpropagate through two discriminators.

‌ But, unfortunately, this pipeline can produce artifacts like color inversion or pink sky. So we can add additional loss called identical loss. So we need our generators to produce the same image if the input image was already from target space. So the final loss is:

Proposed distillation method

Full generator has about 6 million parameters.


Scheme is not represent an actual size of the network as in every residual block there is two convolution layers.

Proposed student generator has 3 res-blocks instead of 9, it reduces the number of parameters by a three times!

I transfer downsampling and upsampling layers from teacher network (yellow arrows). Also I add L2-loss between hidden states of the student and teacher network (purple arrows) and L1-loss between output of teacher and student.

So the full pipeline looks like:

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